印度:世界最小的手工芒果木国际象棋——mangal bhadala制作的微型芒果木国际象棋
纪录性质: 世界纪录协会世界纪录
纪录来源: 世界纪录协会数据库
纪录编号: 50001-1207-01
世界最小的手工芒果木国际象棋——mangal bhadala制作的微型芒果木国际象棋
印度拉嘎斯坦邦斋尔浦市mangal bhadala先生于2012年5月用手工做的芒果木国际象棋,棋盘宽度7.7mm、马前卒高度0.50mm、骑士高度1.5mm车高度1.5mm、主教高度2mm、皇后高度2.5mm、国王高度3mm,创世界纪录协会世界最小的手工芒果木国际象棋世界纪录。
The smallest manual chess of mango wood in the world
——Mini mango wood chess made by mangal bhadala
In May,2012, Mr. mangal bhadala from Jaipur (city),Rajasthan (province), India, made the chess of mango wood by hands, of which the width of chessboard is 7.7mm, and the height of Pawn,Knight, Rook, Bishop, Queen and King are 0.50mm, 1.5mm, 1.5mm, 2mm,2.5mm and 3mm respectively. It set the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the smallest manual chess of mango wood in the world.