世界上最长寿的女人——Nguyen Thi Tru00
纪录性质: 世界纪录协会世界纪录
纪录来源: 世界纪录协会
世界上最长寿的女人——Nguyen Thi Tru00
越南社会主义共和国胡志明市Nguyen Thi Tru女士出生于1893年5月4日,2015年4月12日申报世界最长寿的人世界纪录,时年121周岁333天,创世界纪录协会世界最长寿的女人世界纪录。
The longest living woman——Nguyen Thi Tru
Nguyen Thi Tru was born on May 4th ,1893 in Ho Chi Minh city,Vietnam. She applied for world record---the world’s longest living woman on April 12th of 2015 through World Record Association. She is 121 years old and 333 days on April 12 of 2015. This set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the longest living woman in the world.