孟加拉国:世界上非工作时间完成帮助穷人的项目最多的央行行长——孟加拉国央行行长Atiur Rahman博士
纪录性质: 世界纪录协会世界纪录
纪录来源: 世界纪录协会数据库
纪录编号: 50025-1208-01
世界上非工作时间完成帮助穷人的项目最多的央行行长——孟加拉国央行行长Atiur Rahman博士
孟加拉国央行行长Atiur Rahman博士在就任央行行长期间(2009年至2012年),在非工作时间完成涉及面广泛的帮助穷人的项目84个,创世界纪录协会世界上非工作时间完成帮助穷人的项目最多的央行行长世界纪录。
The Central Bank Governor who carried out highest number of Inclusive and Pro-poor Programs in his spare time in the world
----- Atiur Rahman, Ph.D., central bank Governor of Bangladesh
Mr. Atiur Rahman, Ph.D. , central bank Governor of Bangladesh carried out 84 Inclusive and Pro-poor Programs in his spare time during his tenure from 2009 to 2012. It sets the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the central bank Governor who carries out highest number of Inclusive and Pro-poor Programs in his spare time in the world.