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World Records
The person who played the most types of instruments in the world ...
The person who handwrote the classics of Chinese Culture in seal script with the most number of characters in the world---- Duan Guancheng...
The longest calligraphy scroll named with Infinite Life Sutra in the world ---- The long calligraphy scroll named with Infinite Life Sutra created by ...
The Weibo book prepared with the most types of languages in the world ...
The largest turtle-shaped building in the world...
The youngest person who landed on the South Pole in the world ---- Mao Sijie...
The person who earliest wrote Construction Contract with seven-character poem in the world...
The longest silk wadding color painting in the world---- The silk wadding color painting named with The Nine Dragon Screen created by Chen Jiying...
The largest wiredrawing silver bracelet in the world...
The child who recited the most of numbers in one minute in the world —— Wang Houchenggong...
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