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World Records
The Largest Hulusi Musical Instrument in the World ---the Hulusi Instrument Collected by Jiangli...
The first plasticized large marine mammal in the world --- “HaiHai”, a finback...
The first plasticized specimen displaying the inner structure of finbacks in the world...
Sign language performance of anti-drug commonweal song with the most people participated in the world...
The person who performs coin floating on the water with feet standing on eggs at the fastest speed in the world —Lu Yanxin...
The person who performs needle floating on the water at the fastest speed in the world ——Lu Yanxin...
The blindfolded person who performs needle floating on the water at the fastest speed in the world ——Lu Yanxin...
The Largest Outdoor Salt Carving Group in the World --the Salt Carving Group at Chaka Salt Lake...
The longest cross-stitch embroidered by a single person in the world...
The flower-and-bird free sketch with the most red -crowned cranes in the world...
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