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The middle-school student who is the fastest to exchange hands under his arms while playing the nunchaku within 1 minute in the world

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 10050-1207-01

The middle-school student who is the fastest to exchange hands under his arms while playing the nunchaku within 1 minute in the world
——Chen Caiwu
Student Chen Caiwu from Chengbu Miao Autonomous County, Hunan Province, China, showed his Nunchaku performance at the Wugang Zhanghui Experimental Middle School at 10:18, on Aug. 5,2012. He changed 167 times of hands under his arms while playing the nunchaku within only 1 minute, it set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the middle-school student who was the fastest to exchange hands under his arms while playing the nunchaku within 1 minute in the world.