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The most number of collected lip prints in the world---- The activity organized by CapitaMalls Asia (China) to attempt to the world record in 2012

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 10250-1209-01

The most number of collected lip prints in the world---- The activity organized by CapitaMalls Asia (China) to attempt to the world record in 2012
November 1-11, 2012, in 43 shopping malls of China, CapitaMalls Asia (China) held the activity of “the most number of collected lip prints in the world” at the same time to challenge the world record, which organized the customers to make the lip prints on the papers and sign. With a total of 90337 collected lip prints, it set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the most number of collected lip prints in the world.