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The longest Bangshu calligraphy of Tao Te Ching in the world---- The calligraphy of Tao Te Ching created by Zhao Shengming

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 10571-1211-01

The longest Bangshu calligraphy of Tao Te Ching in the world---- The calligraphy of Tao Te Ching created by Zhao Shengming

From February 18, 2012 to October 16, 2012, Mr. Zhao Shengming from Zhoukou City, Henan Province, China, created the calligraphy of Tao Te Ching in seal script Bangshu on a total of 1,132 rice papers. With a total length of 1,550.84m, it set the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the longest Bangshu calligraphy of Tao Te Ching in the world.