Record name:
Record Numbers:

The person who draws continuously for the longest time in the world —— Thunugunta Hemanth Kumar

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 50060-1210-01

The person who draws continuously for the longest time in the world —— Thunugunta Hemanth Kumar
From 9:15am 16 th May, 2010 to 9:15am 17 th May, 2010, (24 hours) Mr. Thunugunta Hemanth Kumar from Andhra Pradesh India, continuously drew Lord Venkateswara Swami with cone (acrylic) on canvas at the size of 2x4 feet . It sets the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the person who draws continuously for the longest time in the world.
印度:世界上连续作画时间最长的人——Thunugunta Hemanth Kumar

印度:世界上连续作画时间最长的人——Thunugunta Hemanth Kumar