Record name:
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The largest number of people are organized to cross Jiajin Mountain on foot in the world ——Silktone Beauty Spa Chain Instittution

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

The largest number of people are organized to cross Jiajin Mountain on foot in the world
——Silktone Beauty Spa Chain Instittution
Mrs. Weicheng Li in Silktone Chain Beauty Spa Instittution organized 222 employees of Silktone to cross Jiajin Mountain on foot from Oct.23rd to 25th, 2010. Started from Jiajinxinzai in Baoxing county, they spent 3 days to arrive at Dawei in Xiaojin County. The entire journey is 65km, which has created the world record of the largest number of people crossing Jiajin Mountain on foot in the world as recognized by World Record Association.