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The longest “Three Hundred Tang Poems” rubbing calligraphy scroll in the world ——“Three Hundred Tang Poems” rubbing calligraphy scroll created by Zhijiang Xian

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
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The longest “Three Hundred Tang Poems” rubbing calligraphy scroll in the world
——“Three Hundred Tang Poems” rubbing calligraphy scroll created by Zhijiang Xian
From March, 2000 to August, 2010, Mr. Zhijiang Xian from Qingcheng County of Gansu province creates a “Three Hundred Tang Poems” rubbing calligraphy scroll of 0.3 meters wide, 108 meters long and with a total of 8600 words, which has created the world record of the longest “Three Hundred Tang Poems” rubbing calligraphy scroll in the world recognized by World Record Association.