Record name:
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The world’s largest one-off integral casting iron lion ——Cangzhou “Lion King”

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
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The world’s largest one-off integral casting iron lion
——Cangzhou “Lion King”
The Cangzhou “Lion King” has been built with donation by the Hebei Cangzhou Eastern Plastics Group Co., Ltd.; with the gray iron as the raw material, it was completed in the way of one-off integral casting at 8:54 ,on December 18th , 2008, the height, length, and width of which are 6.905 meters, 8.532 meters and 4.18 meters respectively and the weight of which is 100.08 tons; it has set  a world record as the world’s greatest one-off integral casting iron lion in the World Record Association.