Record name:
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Longest distance bicycle-travel made by 13-year-old teenage in the world ——Zi Wang

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

Longest distance bicycle-travel made by 13-year-old teenage in the world
——Zi Wang
From 3rd to 20th August, 2009, a 13 year-old student Zi Wang, who was born on December 5th, 1995,at Yantai of Shandong, started his ride and toured around Shandong from Yantai via Weifang, Zibo, Dongying and Qingdao etc. It took him 17 days and 1432.3 kilometers of riding, which has created the world record of the longest distance bicycle-travel made by 13-year-old teenage in the world recognized by World Record Association.