Record name:
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The biggest Chinese character “龙” written in Bang Shu (Big characters written on the large plaques) with one pen stroke in the world——Calligraphy of Chinese character “龙” created by Gu Tieliang

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

The biggest Chinese character “龙” written in Bang Shu (Big characters written on the large plaques) with one pen stroke in the world——Calligraphy of Chinese character “龙” created by Gu Tieliang

On December 10th 2011, Mr. Gu Tieliang from Chengde City of Hebei Province in China used the writing brush of _2.5_m and 18.6kg to write the Chinese character “龙” in Bang Shu with one pen stroke, with the length of _23_m, the width of 21 m and the total area of 483㎡. It has broken the world record of the biggest Chinese character “龙” written in Bang Shu with one pen stroke as recognized by World Record Association.