Record name:
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The biggest Zhi Zhang Quan calligraphy works in Chinese Character “Long” in the world -----The Zhi Zhang Quan calligraphy works – Long, created by Hu Wenfu

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

The biggest Zhi Zhang Quan calligraphy works in Chinese Character “Long” in the world
-----The Zhi Zhang Quan calligraphy works – Long, created by Hu Wenfu
In November 2010, Fu Wenfu from Chongqing City, China created the Zhi Zhang Quan calligraphy works - Long. With a size of 1.36 meters in length and 0.68 meters in width and a total area of 0.9248 square meters, it sets the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the biggest Zhi Zhang Quan calligraphy works in Chinese Character “Long” in the world.