Record name:
Record Numbers:

The one who collected the largest number of the third-version fifty-cent RMB notes with sequential numbers and incomplete colors in the world -----Liu Jinkui

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

The one who collected the largest number of the third-version fifty-cent RMB notes with sequential numbers and incomplete colors in the world
-----Liu Jinkui
In 1992, Liu Jinkui from Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, China collected 72 third-version fifty-cent RMB notes with sequential numbers and incomplete colors. With the first three numbers as 081 (X VIII I), these notes include 33 notes with numbers from 4818526 to 4818558 and 39 notes with numbers from 4818562 to 4818600, setting the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the largest number of the third-version fifty-cent RMB notes with sequential numbers and incomplete colors in the world.