Record name:
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The bigest Yangko puzzle performance in the world---- Yangko puzzle performance in the “theme of 2012 smiling Shenyang, vigor 1045 news broadcast” in Shenyang

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

The bigest Yangko puzzle performance in the world---- Yangko puzzle performance in the “theme of 2012 smiling Shenyang, vigor 1045 news broadcast” in Shenyang

On May 25th 2012, Yangko puzzle performance in the “theme of 2012 smiling Shenyang, vigor 1045 news broadcast”, was held by news broadcast of SYTV in Fanta Wild Square, Shenbei New Area, Shenyang, Liaoning, China, with a total of 1,045 people participated in the performance and accomplished the Yangko puzzle of “smiley face 1045 icon of smiling Shenyang”. It set the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the bigest Yangko puzzle performance in the world.