Record name:
Record Numbers:

The largest scale of Jingpo Munao Zongge Dance (a traditional group dance) in the world ----The Munao Zongge Dance with 10000 participants in the 2012 International Munao Zongge Festival in Dehong, China

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

The largest scale of Jingpo Munao Zongge Dance (a traditional group dance) in the world
----The Munao Zongge Dance with 10000 participants in the 2012 International Munao Zongge Festival in Dehong, China
On February 6th, 2012, 18,609 participants from different sectors in Jingpo, Dehong performed the Munao Zongge Dance at the Mangshi Square in Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province for the 2012 International Munao Zongge Festival, setting the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the largest scale of Jingpo Munao Zongge Dance in the world.