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The longest Bangshu Jianzi calligraphy works in the world ——A Bangshu Jianzi calligraphy works was created by Jin Zhonghai

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 09331-1112-01

The longest Bangshu Jianzi calligraphy works in the world
——A Bangshu Jianzi calligraphy works was created by Jin Zhonghai
Mr.Jin Zhonghai from Zhoukou City,Henan Province, China created a Bangshu Jianzi calligraphy works on November 21, 2011,it was with a length of 8 meters, and with a width of 1 meter. It set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the longest Bangshu Jianzi calligraphy works in the world.