The eight-column regular script (in small characters) in writing brush with the most characters in the world --- The eight-column regular script (in small characters) in writing brush created by Song Lei

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 09885-1205-01
The eight-column regular script (in
small characters) in writing brush with the most characters in the
--- The eight-column regular script (in small characters) in writing
brush created by Song Lei
From March 2011 to August 2012, Mr. Song Lei from
Yumin County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, handwrote eight-column
regular script (in small characters) in writing brush. With a total of 400,000
characters in 3,300 pieces of paper, it set the world record granted by the
world Record Association for being the eight-column regular script (in small
characters) in writing brush with the most characters in the world.