The longest one-piece character paper-cut named with the Tales of the Marshes in the world ----- The one-piece character paper-cut named with the Tales of the Marshe created by Wang Wenzheng
Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 10172-1209-01
The longest one-piece character paper-cut named with the Tales of the Marshes in the world
----- The one-piece character paper-cut named with the Tales of the Marshe created by Wang Wenzheng
From February to June, 2012, Mr. Wang Wenzheng from Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region, China, created the one-piece character paper-cut named with
the Tales of the Marshes. With a length of 26 m and a width of 0.78 m, it set
the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the longest
one-piece character paper-cut named with the Tales of the Marshes in the