Record name:
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The person who accomplished the most arm loop jumps within 30 seconds in the world ---- Zhou Weichao

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers: 10196-1209-01

The person who accomplished the most arm loop jumps within 30 seconds in the world
---- Zhou Weichao
On September 13 th, 2012, in the Yoga Week Party of Hunan International Culture Festival in Zixing City, Mr. Zhou Weichao from Lincang City, Yunnan Province, China, performed the arm loop jumps (both hands interlock at the back of body, and the arm comes round the head from the back to the front, while both feet jump between two arms). With a total of 11 times of arm loop jump from 20:23:10 to 20:23:40 for 30 seconds, it set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the person who accomplished the most arm loop jumps within 30 seconds in the world.