Record name:
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The longest Jiangyong Nv Shu Scroll in the world The calligraphy scroll of “Ancient and Modern Nv Shu” created by Li Xuemei

Record properties: World Record
Record source: World Record Association
Record Numbers:

The longest Jiangyong Nv Shu Scroll in the world

The calligraphy scroll of “Ancient and Modern Nv Shu” created by Li Xuemei

The Ancient and Modern Nv Shu created by Ms. Li Xuemei in Yongzhou City of Hunan Province between June 2008 and July 2010 is 420 meters in length and 0.6 meter in width, with 60 thousand Nv Shu characters. It has broken the world record of the longest scroll of Jiangyong Nv Shu calligraphy as recognized by China World Records Association.