紀錄性質: 世界纪录协会世界纪录
紀錄來源: 世界纪录协会数据库
紀錄編號: 10072-1207-01
The biggest hand embroidery tobacco pouches in the world
---- The hand embroidery named with Celebration of the 90th anniversary of China’s Communist Party made by Siqin
From October 2010 to June 2011, Ms. Siqin from Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, hand-embroidered the tobacco pouches named with Celebration of the 90th anniversary of China’s Communist Party. With a length of 3.942m, a widest part of 0.941 m, and an area of 3.027 square meters, it set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the biggest hand embroidery tobacco pouches in the world.