印度:世界最長的用針刺字的作品——《Needle Book with 2 Lakhs Holes》
紀錄性質: 世界紀錄協會世界紀錄
紀錄來源: 世界紀錄協會數據庫
紀錄編號: 50207-1301-01
印度:世界最長的用針刺字的作品——《Needle Book with 2 Lakhs Holes》
印度北方邦邦達德裏市Piyush Kumar Goel先生在2010年11月至2011年1月用針把壹首詩的字刺在A-4紙上,制作成壹本用針刺成的作品《Needle Book with 2 Lakhs Holes》,壹共有135頁,每頁有8行字,共4872字,創世界紀錄協會世界最長的用針刺字的作品世界紀錄。
The longest needle pricked book in the world
——《Needle Book with 2 Lakhs Holes》
From November 2010 to January 2011, Mr. Piyush Kumar Goel from Dadri U.P, India used a needle to prick out the characters of a poem on pieces of A-4 size paper and made them into a book, which consists of 135 pages with 8 lines of characters on each. There are 4872 characters in the book. It sets the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the longest needle pricked book in the world.