印度:世界上連續獲得最佳裝飾車獎數量最多——K Viswanathan
紀錄性質: 世界紀錄協會世界紀錄
紀錄來源: 世界紀錄協會
紀錄編號: 150800-1512-01
印度:世界上連續獲得最佳裝飾車獎數量最多——K Viswanathan
印度共和國新德里市K Viswanathan先生自2008年至2015年連續8次獲得《女性年代》雜誌最佳裝飾車獎,創世界紀錄協“世界上連續獲得最佳裝飾車獎數量最多”世界紀錄。
The person who won the most consecutive times of the Best Decorated Car Prize in the world
---- K ViswanathanMr. K Viswanathan from New Delhi, India won consecutive eight times of the Best Decorated Car Prize organized by Rashi Entertainment & Women's Era magazine from 2008 to 2015, this set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the person who won the most consecutive times of the Best Decorated Car Prize in the world.