紀錄性質: 世界紀錄協會世界紀錄
紀錄來源: 世界紀錄協會數據庫
紀錄編號: 10958-1303-01
The largest peacock dance performance of Dai Nationality in the world ---- The peacock dance performance of Dai Nationality in the 2013 Dehong Water-Sprinkling Festival
On April 12, in Mangshi Square, Dehong Dai Nationality and Jingpo Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, the peacock dance of Dai Nationality was performed in the 2013 China Dehong Water-Sprinkling Festival. With a total of 1050 people who participated in the peacock dance of Dai Nationality, it set the world record granted by the world Record Association for being the largest peacock dance performance of Dai Nationality in the world.